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Brigade Docs

Brigade: Event-driven scripting for Kubernetes.

Installing Brigade

The Brigade server is deployed via its Helm chart and Brigade projects are managed via brig. Here are the steps:

  1. Make sure helm is installed, and helm version returns the correct server.
  2. Add the Brigade repo: helm repo add brigade
  3. Install Brigade: helm install brigade-server brigade/brigade (or helm install brigade/brigade --name brigade-server if using Helm 2)
  4. Create a Brigade project: brig project create

At this point, you have a running Brigade service. You can use helm get brigade-server and other Helm tools to examine your running Brigade server.

Cluster Ingress

By default, Brigade is not configured with a load balancer service for incoming requests. Rather, cluster ingress comes in the form of one or more Gateways that provide configurable services, usually in tandem with ingress resources.

Brigade Github App Gateway with External IP

Let’s take the example of enabling the GitHub App Gateway.

By default, the Brigade Github App gateway chart defines the associated service type as ClusterIP, which is only accessible within the Kubernetes cluster. If we wish to set up the gateway with an externally-visible IP of type LoadBalancer, we would upgrade our brigade-server release like so:

$ helm upgrade brigade-server brigade/brigade --set brigade-github-app.enabled=true --set brigade-github-app.service.type=LoadBalancer

We’d then locate the external IP as follows:

$ kubectl get svc brigade-server-brigade-github-app
NAME                                TYPE           CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)          AGE
brigade-server-brigade-github-app   LoadBalancer   80:30758/TCP     45d

(Note that brigade-server-brigade-github-app is just the name of the Helm release (brigade-server) with -brigade-github-app appended)

The EXTERNAL-IP field is the IP address that external services, such as GitHub in this example, will use to trigger actions.

There will be more configuration needed for the brigade-github-app sub-chart for GitHub events to reach a Brigade project. See more at GitHub App Gateway.

Note that this is just one way of configuring Brigade to receive inbound connections. Brigade itself does not care how traffic is routed to it. Those with operational knowledge of Kubernetes may wish to use another method of ingress routing. See the Ingress doc for more information.


We recommend using Brig, a command line tool for interacting with Brigade. Read the Brig guide for installation and usage docs.

Notes for Minikube

You can run Brigade on Minikube for easy testing and development. Minikube provides built-in support for caching and sharing files during builds. However, there are a few things that are much harder to do when running locally:

  • Listening for GitHub webhooks requires you to route inbound traffic from the internet to your Minikube cluster. We do not recommend doing this unless you really understand what you are doing.
  • Other inbound services may also be limited by the same restriction.

Notes for Azure Container Services (AKS)

Brigade is well-tested on AKS Kubernetes. We recommend using at least Kubernetes 1.6.

  • It is recommended to use a Service with type LoadBalancer on AKS, which will generate an Azure load balancer for you.
  • For caching and storage, we recommend creating an Azure Storage instance and creating a Persistent Volume and Storage Class that use the AzureFile driver. (For an example, see the Azure File Setup section in the storage document.)
  • You can use Azure Container Registry for private images, provided that you add the ACR instance to the same Resource Group that AKS belongs to.
  • ACR’s webhooks can be used to trigger events, as they follow the DockerHub webhook format.
  • When configuring webhooks, it is recommended that you map a domain (via Azure’s DNS service or another DNS service) to your Load Balancer IP. GitHub and other webhook services seem to work better with DNS names than with IP addresses.