Tutorial 3: Projects & Events
Writing your first CI pipeline, Part 3
This tutorial begins where Tutorial 2 left off. We’ll walk through the process for configuring your newly created Github repository with Brigade for testing new features. We’ll configure a new Brigade project, and have Github push events to trigger Brigade builds.
Create a Brigade project
The Brigade server tracks separate configuration for each project you set up. To create and manage these configurations, we use the brig cli.
Here we create a project for our GitHub repo:
$ brig project create
? VCS or no-VCS project? VCS
? Project Name bacongobbler/uuid-generator
? Full repository name github.com/bacongobbler/uuid-generator
? Clone URL (https://github.com/your/repo.git) https://github.com/bacongobbler/uuid-generator.git
? Add secrets? No
Auto-generated a Shared Secret: "mDXUDZyDsTUHw4KZIMPOQMN1"
? Configure GitHub Access? No
? Configure advanced options No
Project ID: brigade-5ea0b3d7707afb5d04d55544485da6aff4f58006c1633f4ae0cb11
Note: to explore the advanced options, each prompt offers further info when ?
is entered.
Configuring GitHub
We want to build our project each time a new commit is pushed to master, and each time we get a new Pull Request.
To do this, follow the Brigade GitHub App documentation to set up
a GitHub App. During configuration, copy the shared secret above (mDXUDZyDsTUHw4KZIMPOQMN1
) and set this as the
“Webhook secret” value for the App.
We’ll need to upgrade our Brigade server with our brigade-github-app
sub-chart configuration filled in:
$ helm inspect values brigade/brigade > brigade-values.yaml
$ # Add configuration under the `brigade-github-app` section
$ helm upgrade brigade brigade/brigade -f brigade-values.yaml
We can then get the IP needed to update the “Webhook URL” entry for our App. Run this command on your
Kubernetes cluster, and look for the brigade-github-app
$ kubectl get service
brigade-server-brigade-api ClusterIP <none> 7745/TCP 1d
brigade-server-brigade-github-app LoadBalancer 80:31980/TCP 1d
You will use the EXTERNAL-IP
address to form the full URL:
Update the App’s “Webhook URL” with this value. (Note: it is preferred that DNS be set up instead of
a hard-coded IP. See the Brigade GitHub App docs for more.)
The next time you push to the repository, the webhook system should trigger a build.
For more on configuring GitHub, see the GitHub Guide
After configuring Brigade to test new features, read part 4 of this tutorial to write a new feature to the uuid-generator project, which will trigger a test build using Brigade.