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Brigade Docs

Brigade: Event-driven scripting for Kubernetes.

Tutorial 3: Projects & Events

Writing your first CI pipeline, Part 3

This tutorial begins where Tutorial 2 left off. We’ll walk through the process for configuring your newly created Github repository with Brigade for testing new features. We’ll configure a new Brigade project, and have Github push events to trigger Brigade builds.

Create a Brigade project

The Brigade server tracks separate configuration for each project you set up. To create and manage these configurations, we use the brig cli.

Here we create a project for our GitHub repo:

$ brig project create
? VCS or no-VCS project? VCS
? Project Name bacongobbler/uuid-generator
? Full repository name
? Clone URL (
? Add secrets? No
Auto-generated a Shared Secret: "mDXUDZyDsTUHw4KZIMPOQMN1"
? Configure GitHub Access? No
? Configure advanced options No
Project ID: brigade-5ea0b3d7707afb5d04d55544485da6aff4f58006c1633f4ae0cb11

Note: to explore the advanced options, each prompt offers further info when ? is entered.

Configuring GitHub

We want to build our project each time a new commit is pushed to master, and each time we get a new Pull Request.

To do this, follow the Brigade GitHub App documentation to set up a GitHub App. During configuration, copy the shared secret above (mDXUDZyDsTUHw4KZIMPOQMN1) and set this as the “Webhook secret” value for the App.

GithHub Webhooks

We’ll need to upgrade our Brigade server with our brigade-github-app sub-chart configuration filled in:

$ helm inspect values brigade/brigade > brigade-values.yaml
$ # Add configuration under the `brigade-github-app` section
$ helm upgrade brigade brigade/brigade -f brigade-values.yaml

We can then get the IP needed to update the “Webhook URL” entry for our App. Run this command on your Kubernetes cluster, and look for the brigade-github-app line:

$ kubectl get service
NAME                                TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)        AGE
brigade-server-brigade-api          ClusterIP    <none>         7745/TCP       1d
brigade-server-brigade-github-app   LoadBalancer     80:31980/TCP   1d

You will use the EXTERNAL-IP address to form the full URL: Update the App’s “Webhook URL” with this value. (Note: it is preferred that DNS be set up instead of a hard-coded IP. See the Brigade GitHub App docs for more.)

The next time you push to the repository, the webhook system should trigger a build.

For more on configuring GitHub, see the GitHub Guide

After configuring Brigade to test new features, read part 4 of this tutorial to write a new feature to the uuid-generator project, which will trigger a test build using Brigade.