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Brigade Docs

Brigade: Event-driven scripting for Kubernetes.

Scripting Guide

Scripting Guide

This guide explains the basics of how to create and structure brigade.js files.

Brigade Scripts, Projects, and Repositories

Brigade scripts are stored in a brigade.js file. They are designed to contain short scripts that coordinate running multiple related tasks. We like to think of these as cluster-oriented shell scripts: The script just ties together a bunch of other programs.

At the very core, a Brigade script is simply a JavaScript file that is executed within a special cluster environment. An environment is composed of the following things:

  • A Brigade server running in your cluster
  • A project in which the script will run
  • (Optionally) A source code repository (e.g. git) that contains data our
  • (Optionally) A brigade.json file that contains additional dependencies that can be used from brigade.js
  • (Optionally) Other configuration data, like secrets

For the examples in this document, we have created a project via brig with these values:

$ brig project create
? VCS or no-VCS project? VCS
? Project Name brigadecore/empty-testbed
? Full repository name
? Clone URL (
? Add secrets? Yes
? 	Secret 1 dbPassword
? 	Value supersecret
? ===> Add another? No
Auto-generated a Shared Secret: "QwSBinN9sHZyuSYyTKmVOIAk"
? Configure GitHub Access? No
? Configure advanced options No
Project ID: brigade-830c16d4aaf6f5490937ad719afd8490a5bcbef064d397411043ac

Note that we have linked this project to a GitHub repository. That repository contains a very simple Node.js application. (Of course, Brigade itself does not care what a repository contains.)

Based on the above, we have:

  • A project named brigadecore/empty-testbed
  • A GitHub repo at
  • And a single secret: dbPassword: supersecret

We’ll use this project throughout the tutorial as we create some brigade.js files and test them out.

We will be using the brig binary to execute our brigade scripts. Usage and installation instructions for brig are here.

A Basic Brigade Script

Here is a basic brigade.js file that just sends a single message to the log:

console.log("hello world")


If we run this script, we would see output that looked something like this:

Started brigade-worker-01brwzs64rve2jvky87hxy1wsp-master
yarn start v0.27.5
$ node prestart.js
prestart: src/brigade.js written
$ node --no-deprecation ./dist/src/index.js
hello world
Done in 1.44s.

Tip: You can use the brig command to send brigade.js files to Brigade.

In this tutorial we run scripts with brig run --file brigade.js $PROJECT, where $PROJECT is a project ID like brigade-830c16d4aaf6f5490937ad719afd8490a5bcbef064d397411043ac.

In essence, all we have done is started a brigade session, logged “hello world”, and exited.

This example executes the log in the global scope. While it’s fine to work in the global scope, most of the time what we want to do with Brigade is write event handlers.

Brigade Events and Event Handlers

Brigade listens for certain things to happen, such as a new push on a GitHub repository or an image update on DockerHub. (The events that it listens for are configured in your project).

When Brigade observes such an event, it will load the brigade.js file and see if there is an event handler that matches the event.

Using the brig tool introduced above, we can see how this works.

The brig tool triggers an exec event (short for execute) on Brigade. So our brigade.js file can intercept this event and respond to it:

const { events } = require("brigadier")

events.on("exec", () => {
  console.log("==> handling an 'exec' event")


The () => {} syntax is a newer way to declare an anonymous function. We use this syntax throughout the tutorial, but unless otherwise noted, you can substitute in the traditional syntax: function () {}.

There are a few things to note about this script:

  • It imports the events object from brigadier. Almost all Brigade scripts do this.
  • It declares a single event handler that says “on an ‘exec’ event, run this function”.

Similarly to our first script, this function simply dumps a message to a log.

The above produces something like this:

Started brigade-worker-01brx1z21af78hsj4q55anycpc-master
yarn start v0.27.5
$ node prestart.js
prestart: src/brigade.js written
$ node --no-deprecation ./dist/src/index.js
Creating PVC named brigade-worker-01brx1z21af78hsj4q55anycpc-master
==> handling an 'exec' event
Destroying PVC named brigade-worker-01brx1z21af78hsj4q55anycpc-master
Done in 1.49s.

One of the strengths of Brigade is that we can handle different events in the same file. Brigade will only trigger the appropriate events. For example, we can expand the example above to also provide a handler for the GitHub push event:

const { events } = require("brigadier")

events.on("exec", () => {
  console.log("==> handling an 'exec' event")

events.on("push", () => {
  console.log(" **** I'm a GitHub 'push' handler")


Now if we re-run our brig command, we will see the same output as before:

Started brigade-worker-01brx5m1yppb0dxn4emk76jqtv-master
yarn start v0.27.5
$ node prestart.js
prestart: src/brigade.js written
$ node --no-deprecation ./dist/src/index.js
Creating PVC named brigade-worker-01brx5m1yppb0dxn4emk76jqtv-master
==> handling an 'exec' event
Destroying PVC named brigade-worker-01brx5m1yppb0dxn4emk76jqtv-master
Done in 1.21s.

Since Brigade did not see a push event, it did not execute the push event handler. It only executed the exec handler that brig causes.

Where Do Events Come From?

In order to be able to write good Brigade scripts, we need to know what events we can listen for. So what is the origin of these events?

To answer this question, we need a tiny bit of background knowledge about Brigade. Brigade has several components in its runtime. The worker runs the JavaScript that we are writing here. The controller starts and manages the worker. But there are also Brigade gateways.

A Brigade gateway is a piece of code that executes in your cluster and generates events. An overview of a few Brigade gateways ready for use can be seen in the Gateways doc.

The brig client declares its own hook (exec).

You can create your own gateways which generate their own events, or use gateways created by others.

In the list above, there are two special events that have very specific usage: after and error.

Two Special Events: after and error

The after and error events are what are called lifecycle hooks. They let you execute some code when Brigade hits a certain stage of processing.

The after hook runs at the very end of any session that did not die from an error.

const { events } = require("brigadier")

events.on("exec", () => {
  console.log("==> handling an 'exec' event")

events.on("after", () => {
  console.log(" **** AFTER EVENT called")


The brig client will trigger the exec event. But then when that event has been processed, Brigade will trigger an after event before returning:

Started brigade-worker-01brx76gx5v3e8r6vbmzcda7q9-master
yarn start v0.27.5
$ node prestart.js
prestart: src/brigade.js written
$ node --no-deprecation ./dist/src/index.js
Creating PVC named brigade-worker-01brx76gx5v3e8r6vbmzcda7q9-master
==> handling an 'exec' event
 **** AFTER EVENT called
Destroying PVC named brigade-worker-01brx76gx5v3e8r6vbmzcda7q9-master
Done in 1.19s.

Note that the **** AFTER EVENT called message is printed right before the shutdown begins.

The error event is similar, but it is only triggered when a script encounters an error.

The after and error events give you an opportunity to do some final processing (like maybe sending a message to your chat server) before exiting.

At this point, we’ve taken a look at Brigade’s event system. But we haven’t really done anything with Brigade except log a few messages. Let’s turn out attention toward Brigade’s ability to “script up” containers.

Jobs and Containers

A typical Brigade script divides up the workload like this:

  • An event handler declares how an event (push, exec) is processed
  • When Brigade triggers an event, it creates a new build, which you can think of as “a specific run of your brigade.js file.
  • A build has several jobs, where each job starts a container
  • A job runs zero or more tasks inside of a container

And in the next section, we’ll talk about how we can group jobs.

In the last section, we focused on the event handlers, and we ran several builds that just logged messages. In this section, we’ll create a few jobs.

To start with, let’s create a simple job that doesn’t really do any work:

const { events, Job } = require("brigadier")

events.on("exec", () => {
  var job = new Job("do-nothing", "alpine:3.4")


The first thing to note is that we have changed the first line. In addition to importing the events object, we are now also importing Job. Job is the prototype for creating all jobs in Brigade.

Next, inside of our exec event handler, we create a new Job, and we give it two pieces of information:

  • a name: The name must be unique to the event handler and should be composed of letters, numbers, and dashes (-).
  • an image: This can be any image that your cluster can find. In the case above, we use the image named alpine:3.4, which is fetched straight from DockerHub.

The image is a crucial part of the Brigade ecosystem. A container is created from this image, and it’s within this container that we do the “real work”. At the beginning, we explained that we think of Brigade scripts as “shell scripts for your cluster.” When you execute a shell script, it is typically some glue code that manages calling one or more external programs in a specific way.


ps -ef "hello" | grep chrome

The script above really just organizes the way we call two existing programs (ps and grep). Brigade does the same, except instead of executing programs, it executes containers. Each container is expressed as a Job, which is a wrapper that knows how to execute containers.

So in our example above, we create a Job named “do-nothing” that runs an Alpine Linux container and (as the name implies) does nothing.

Jobs are created and run in different steps. This way, we can do some preparation on our job (as we will see in a moment) before executing it.

To run a job, we use the Job’s run() method. Behind the scenes, Brigade will start a new alpine:3.4 pod (downloading it if necessary), execute it, and monitor it. When the container is done executing, the run is complete.

It is worth noting that a run() method is asynchronous. That means that when we call run(), it will start processing in the background. Later on, we will see how we can take advantage of that to create pipelines.

If we run the code above, we’ll get output that looks something like this:

Started brigade-worker-01brx7v6wsg31k81x0h4pznv47-master
yarn start v0.27.5
$ node prestart.js
prestart: src/brigade.js written
$ node --no-deprecation ./dist/src/index.js
Creating PVC named brigade-worker-01brx7v6wsg31k81x0h4pznv47-master
looking up default/github-com-brigadecore-empty-testbed-do-nothing
Creating secret do-nothing-1504055331341-master
Creating Job Cache PVC github-com-brigadecore-empty-testbed-do-nothing
Creating pod do-nothing-1504055331341-master
Timeout set at 900000
default/do-nothing-1504055331341-master phase Pending
default/do-nothing-1504055331341-master phase Pending
default/do-nothing-1504055331341-master phase Succeeded
Destroying PVC named brigade-worker-01brx7v6wsg31k81x0h4pznv47-master
Done in 5.12s.

That’s quite a lot of new output for a program that “does nothing”. The important part is this: Creating pod do-nothing-1504055331341-master. That tells us that it has taken our Job and packaged it up as what Kubernetes calls a pod. That means it has been scheduled for execution.

For a few lines we will see messages that let us know that our job isn’t running yet, but is in state Pending. Then it will run, and if it runs to a successful completion, it will be marked as Succeeded.

After that, our job is cleaned up, and so is the build.

Tip: You can see the actual output of each Job through the Brigade user interface, or using the Kubernetes kubectl client: kubectl logs do-nothing-1504055331341-master

Basically, our simple build just created an empty Alpine Linux pod which had nothing to do and so exited immediately.

Adding Tasks to Jobs

To make our Job do more, we can add tasks to it. A task is an individual step to be run inside of the Job’s container.

const { events, Job } = require("brigadier")

events.on("exec", () => {
  var job = new Job("do-nothing", "alpine:3.4")
  job.tasks = [
    "echo Hello",
    "echo World"


Tasks can be an arbitrary shell command that is supported by the image you use. Tasks are concatenated together and executed as one shell script. (In Linux, they are executed as /bin/sh commands, with set -eo pipefail.)

You can change the shell a job uses by setting However, if the shell you set is not present in the image, this will cause an error.

In the example above we have added some tasks by adding them to the tasks array: job.tasks = [ /* ... */] It will run the echo command twice. If we run this new script, its output will look just about the same as when we ran no tasks:

Started brigade-worker-01brx98hq5f3e93jxy5ddpfwgx-master
yarn start v0.27.5
$ node prestart.js
prestart: src/brigade.js written
$ node --no-deprecation ./dist/src/index.js
Creating PVC named brigade-worker-01brx98hq5f3e93jxy5ddpfwgx-master
looking up default/github-com-brigadecore-empty-testbed-do-nothing
Creating secret do-nothing-1504056818776-master
Creating Job Cache PVC github-com-brigadecore-empty-testbed-do-nothing
Creating pod do-nothing-1504056818776-master
Timeout set at 900000
default/do-nothing-1504056818776-master phase Pending
default/do-nothing-1504056818776-master phase Succeeded
Destroying PVC named brigade-worker-01brx98hq5f3e93jxy5ddpfwgx-master
Done in 5.14s.

But this time, we can take a look at the logs for our pod and see the results of our tasks. We will do this using the kubectl tool, though you can also use the Brigade UI.

$ kubectl logs do-nothing-1504056818776-master

Here’s what happened: Our brigade.js script created a new pod named do-nothing-1504056818776-master, which started alpine:3.4 and then ran the two echo tasks. When it completed, Brigade let us know that it Succeeded and then it finished up the build.

Now we can take things one more step and create two jobs that each do something.

const { events, Job } = require("brigadier")

events.on("exec", () => {
  var hello = new Job("hello", "alpine:3.4")
  hello.tasks = [
    "echo Hello",
    "echo World"

  var goodbye = new Job("goodbye", "alpine:3.4")
  goodbye.tasks = [
    "echo Goodbye",
    "echo World"


In this example we create two jobs (hello and goodbye). Each starts an Alpine container and prints a couple of messages, then exits.

After defining each one, we run them like this:

Now the output of running this command with brig might be a little surprising:

Started brigade-worker-01brx9n20bsjxeweggtzb7fpka-master
yarn start v0.27.5
$ node prestart.js
prestart: src/brigade.js written
$ node --no-deprecation ./dist/src/index.js
Creating PVC named brigade-worker-01brx9n20bsjxeweggtzb7fpka-master
looking up default/github-com-brigadecore-empty-testbed-hello
looking up default/github-com-brigadecore-empty-testbed-goodbye
Creating secret hello-1504057229136-master
Creating secret goodbye-1504057229149-master
Creating Job Cache PVC github-com-brigadecore-empty-testbed-hello
Creating Job Cache PVC github-com-brigadecore-empty-testbed-goodbye
Creating pod hello-1504057229136-master
Creating pod goodbye-1504057229149-master
Timeout set at 900000
Timeout set at 900000
default/hello-1504057229136-master phase Pending
default/goodbye-1504057229149-master phase Pending
default/goodbye-1504057229149-master phase Pending
default/hello-1504057229136-master phase Pending
default/goodbye-1504057229149-master phase Pending
default/hello-1504057229136-master phase Pending
default/goodbye-1504057229149-master phase Pending
default/hello-1504057229136-master phase Pending
default/goodbye-1504057229149-master phase Pending
default/hello-1504057229136-master phase Pending
default/hello-1504057229136-master phase Pending
default/goodbye-1504057229149-master phase Pending
default/hello-1504057229136-master phase Succeeded
default/goodbye-1504057229149-master phase Succeeded
Destroying PVC named brigade-worker-01brx9n20bsjxeweggtzb7fpka-master
Done in 15.17s.

What is surprising is that if we look at the output above, we see that both jobs seem to be running at the same time. This is because when we start a job in Brigade, it runs asynchronously. Another way to phrase that is that jobs run parallel by default.

Again, if you want to view the output of each job, you can use the kubectl logs command for each pod.

If we want these two pods to run in order, with hello running to completion before goodbye starts, we can do that by creating what in JavaScript is called a “Promise chain”:

const { events, Job } = require("brigadier")

events.on("exec", () => {
  var hello = new Job("hello", "alpine:3.4")
  hello.tasks = [
    "echo Hello",
    "echo World"

  var goodbye = new Job("goodbye", "alpine:3.4")
  goodbye.tasks = [
    "echo Goodbye",
    "echo World"
  ] => {


The important new part is at the end. We have replaced this:

The new version looks like this: => {

And we can read it like this: “run hello, then run goodbye”. In the Groups section below, we will see a simpler way of doing this. But for now, this is one way of running jobs in sequence.

Now if we run our brigade.js, the output will look like this:

Started brigade-worker-01brxgx62zey1b31ae2ccd2xnm-master
yarn start v0.27.5
$ node prestart.js
prestart: src/brigade.js written
$ node --no-deprecation ./dist/src/index.js
Creating PVC named brigade-worker-01brxgx62zey1b31ae2ccd2xnm-master
looking up default/github-com-brigadecore-empty-testbed-hello
Creating secret hello-1504059196321-master
Creating Job Cache PVC github-com-brigadecore-empty-testbed-hello
Creating pod hello-1504059196321-master
Timeout set at 900000
default/hello-1504059196321-master phase Pending
default/hello-1504059196321-master phase Succeeded
looking up default/github-com-brigadecore-empty-testbed-goodbye
Creating secret goodbye-1504059200407-master
Creating Job Cache PVC github-com-brigadecore-empty-testbed-goodbye
Creating pod goodbye-1504059200407-master
Timeout set at 900000
default/goodbye-1504059200407-master phase Pending
default/goodbye-1504059200407-master phase Succeeded
Destroying PVC named brigade-worker-01brxgx62zey1b31ae2ccd2xnm-master
Done in 9.17s.

Compared to our previous version, we can see the different. It runs the hello job first, and then runs the goodbye job.

Before moving on to talk about groups, though, let’s do one short example that does something useful. Our project points to the empty testbed repository in GitHub. That repository happens to have a small Node.js application, and we can write a simple set of tasks to build and run that application.

Running Tasks Against a Git Repository

Earlier we talked about how a project may have an associated Git repository. And when we created our project, we pointed it to a repository that contains a simple Node.js application. In this example, we are going to work directly with that repository.

Here’s our new script:

const { events, Job } = require("brigadier")

events.on("exec", () => {
  var test = new Job("test-app", "node:8")

  test.tasks = [
    "cd /src/hello",
    "yarn install",
    "node index.js"


This time around, we are going to run three tasks:

  • cd /src/hello: Change directories into the place where our source code is.
  • yarn install: Install the dependencies for our Node.js app. (Yarn is like pip, Maven, Glide or CPAN, but for Node.js.)
  • node index.js: Run the index.js file inside of /src/hello.

If we run the script, we’ll see the usual output, and it will contain a line like this:

Creating pod test-app-1504064455281-master

If we use kubectl to check out the log for our test-app container, we’ll see something like this:

$ kubectl logs test-app-1504064455281-master
yarn install v0.27.5
info No lockfile found.
[1/4] Resolving packages...
[2/4] Fetching packages...
[3/4] Linking dependencies...
[4/4] Building fresh packages...
success Saved lockfile.
Done in 0.14s.
hello world

That is the output of our three tasks.

But what exactly is this build doing? Why are we doing a cd /src/hello? And where did that directory even come from?

Here’s what is happening: Because our project has a Git repository associated with it, Brigade is automatically getting us a copy of that project and attaching that copy to each Job that we run.

When a repository is checked out, it is stored by default in /src. So it is as if we started every job by doing a git clone /src. That means we can start our job knowing that we already have access to everything in our Git project.

So when we cd into /src/hello, we’re changing into the hello/ directory in the Git project. And from there on, we are working with the code from the repository.

Being able to associated a Git repository to a project is a convenient way to provide version-controlled data to our Brigade builds. And it makes Brigade a great tool for executing CI pipelines, deployments, packaging tasks, end-to-end tests, and other DevOps tasks.

Automatically mounting a repository is typically a great feature. But every once in a while it is useful to disable this behavior. To do that, simply add an attribute to your job:

var job = new Job("test", "node:8")
job.useSource = false

You can also change the path where the source is stored. The default is src/, but it can be set to another location:

var job = new Job("test", "node:8")
job.mountPath = "/mnt/brigade/src"


Earlier we saw an example of creating and running multiple jobs. We saw a simple form where we could run two jobs in parallel:

And we saw a slightly more complicated form where we ran one job and then another: () => )

These are two ways to work with individual jobs. But sometimes it is desirable to work with jobs as if they were a group.

For example, we can run two jobs as an ordered group:

const { events, Job, Group } = require("brigadier")

events.on("exec", () => {
  var hello = new Job("hello", "alpine:3.4", ["echo hello"])
  var goodbye = new Job("goodbye", "alpine:3.4", ["echo goodbye"])

  Group.runEach([hello, goodbye])


There are three things to notice in the example above:

  1. We now also import Group along with events and Job.
  2. Since we are running a simple list of tasks, we declare the task list in the Job() constructor.
  3. We use Group.runEach() to run our tasks.

Tip: Using Group.runEach() is often easier to read than creating a Promise chain.

Group has a couple of useful static methods:

  • Group.runEach() takes a list of tasks and runs them in sequence. It does not mark itself as complete until every task has been executed.
  • Group.runAll() takes a list of tasks and runs them all in parallel. It does not mark itself complete until all of the tasks have finished.

Both of these methods return Promise objects, so they can be chained. For example, here is an example that runs a hello and goodbye jobs in parallel, then it runs a hello-again job only after both of the others have completed.

const { events, Job, Group } = require("brigadier")

events.on("exec", () => {
  var hello = new Job("hello", "alpine:3.4", ["echo hello"])
  var goodbye = new Job("goodbye", "alpine:3.4", ["echo goodbye"])
  var helloAgain = new Job("hello-again", "alpine:3.4", ["echo hello again"])

  Group.runAll([hello, goodbye])
    .then( ()=> {


In the above case, hello and goodbye will run at the same time. But helloAgain will not be started until both of the others have finished.

Using groups, you can create sophisticated pipelines.

Sometimes you may want to declare groups ahead of time and then run them, much as you do with jobs. This is an alternative to using the Group static methods.

const { events, Job, Group } = require("brigadier")

events.on("exec", () => {
  var hello = new Job("hello", "alpine:3.4", ["echo hello"])
  var goodbye = new Job("goodbye", "alpine:3.4", ["echo goodbye"])

  var helloAgain = new Job("hello-again", "alpine:3.4", ["echo hello again"])
  var goodbyeAgain = new Job("bye-again", "alpine:3.4", ["echo bye again"])

  var first = new Group()

  var second = new Group()

  first.runAll().then( () => second.runAll() )


The above creates two groups, and then later executes them. The order of execution would be:

  • Run both of the jobs in the first group.
  • Once those two jobs have both completed, run both of the jobs in the second group.

This is the way groups can be used to control the order in which groups of jobs are run.

So far we have looked at the brigade.js file, the event registry, and jobs and groups. As we advance our way through Brigade, we will next take a look at how brigade.js scripts can work with the BrigadeEvent and Project objects that are sent to every event handler.

Working with Event and Project Data

Two pieces of information are passed into every event handler: The event that occurred, and the project.

The Brigade Event

From the event, we can find out what triggered the event, what data was sent with the event, and (if there is a repository) what repository commit we should be using.

An event looks like this:

var e = {
  buildID: "brigade-worker-01brwzs64rve2jvky87hxy1wsp-master",
  type: "brig",
  provider: "brig",
  commit: "master",
  payload: ""
  • buildID is a unique per-build ID. Every time a new build is triggered, a new ID will be generated.
  • type is the event type. A GitHub Pull Request, for example, would set type to pull_request.
  • provider tells what service triggered this event. A GitHub request will set this to github.
  • commit is the commit (revision ID) for the VCS. For Git, this can be a SHA, a branch name, or a tag.
  • payload contains any information that the hook sent when triggering the event. For example, a GitHub push request generates a rather large payload. Payload is an unparsed string.

When one event triggers another event, the triggered event also gets information about the thing that caused it. This is available on the event.cause field. The after and error events, for example, will be able to access the cause field and see the event that triggered them.

The Project

The project gives us information about the repository, the Kubernetes configuration, and secrets (environment variables or credentials) that are available to us.

    "buildStorageSize": "50Mi"
  • id is the project ID, as generated by BRIGADE.
  • name is the project name that is set when you created the project with brig.
  • kubernetes stores Kubernetes-related fields:
    • namespace is the namespace in which Brigade runs
    • vcsSidecar is the container image that Brigade uses internally to check out your VCS repository.
    • buildStorageSize is the size of the build shared storage space used by the jobs.
  • repo stores information about your VCS repository.
    • name is the name of the repo. GitHub projects are named as org/project.
    • cloneURL is the URL Brigade will use to clone or fetch the repository.
  • secrets is where you can store environment variables or secrets. These are set during project creation via brig (see the Secrets Guide.

Using Event and Project Objects

Both the event and the project are passed to every event handler. Until now, we have ignored them. But we can write a simple script to show some information about the event and the project:

const { events } = require("brigadier")

events.on("exec", (e, p) => {
  console.log(">>> event " + e.type + " caused by " + e.provider)
  console.log(">>> project " + + " clones the repo at " + p.repo.cloneURL)


If we run the above, we’ll see output like this:

Started brigade-worker-01brz271ma5h06na0bb5j7d2rm-master
yarn start v0.27.5
$ node prestart.js
prestart: src/brigade.js written
$ node --no-deprecation ./dist/src/index.js
Creating PVC named brigade-worker-01brz271ma5h06na0bb5j7d2rm-master
>>> event exec caused by brig
>>> project clones the repo at
Destroying PVC named brigade-worker-01brz271ma5h06na0bb5j7d2rm-master
Done in 1.04s.

Event and project data should be treated with a little extra care. Things like secrets or event cloneURL might not be the sorts of information you want accidentally displayed.

Passing Project or Event Data to Jobs

Brigade is designed to make it easy for you to extract information from the event and project and sent it into a job. Here are two ways to share information with jobs:

const { events, Job } = require("brigadier")

events.on("exec", (e, p) => {
  var echo = new Job("echo", "alpine:3.4")
  echo.tasks = [
    "echo Project " +,
    "echo Event $EVENT_NAME"

  echo.env = {
    "EVENT_NAME": e.type


In the above code, we create a job named echo and we run two tasks. In the first, we directly inject the project name ( into the task command before the task is run.

In the second case, we use environment variables to pass a name/value pair into the command, and then it is evaluated at runtime.

echo.env is the place to set environment variables for the container. The variable set to EVENT_NAME there is accessible inside the pod as $EVENT_NAME.

If we look at the output of the pod, we’ll see this:

$ kubectl logs echo-1504074306432-master
Event exec

At this point we have seen how we can access information about the project and event. In the next section we are going to turn to storage. We are going to see how Brigade provides ways for builds and jobs to share storage space.

Storing Data with Caches and Shared Space

There are many ways that developers can store and retrieve data from Brigade. For example, object storage systems like Azure Object Storate or Amazon S3 or hosted database providers. Brigade developers may choose to use those tools from within jobs.

But Brigade comes with a few built-in options that are useful in writing basic Brigade builds, and which don’t require modifying your containers. In this part of the guide, we cover two built-in shared directories.

Build Storage (Shared Space)

Each build gets its own shared storage. This is a file path that can be accessed by every job during the build, but which does not survive after the build has completed.

When enabled, storage is mounted to /mnt/brigade/share on each job’s container.

const { events, Job, Group } = require("brigadier")

events.on("exec", (e, p) => {
  var dest = "/mnt/brigade/share/hello.txt"
  var one = new Job("one", "alpine:3.4", ["echo hello > " + dest])
  var two = new Job("two", "alpine:3.4", ["echo world >> " + dest])
  var three = new Job("three", "alpine:3.4", ["cat " + dest]) = true = true = true

  Group.runEach([one, two, three])


In the script above, jobs one and two should each write a line to the file hello.txt, which is stored in the shared /mnt/brigade/share directory. Since this directory is shared among all three jobs, when the third job runs, it should print out the results of the other two jobs.

So we can check the output of the third job’s log:

$ kubectl logs three-1504091079871-master

That is exactly what we would expect to see.

Importantly, shared storage space is limited to 50 megabytes of storage per build. This can be overridden in the project configuration.

Note: Shared storage is dependent on the underlying Kubernetes cluster. Some Kubernetes clusters cannot support dynamically provisioned PVCs. If you run into problems with this, consult your Kubernetes admin or the Kubernetes storage documentation.

Job Caches

The shared storage we saw above only persists as long as the build is running. When the build is complete, the storage is recycled.

Brigade provides a second kind of storage that is designed to improve the speed of individual jobs by giving them access to a cache.

A job cache provides a place for a job to store data that it can access every time it is run. This can drastically improve performance for things like dependency caching (during code builds) or indexing.

A job cache is not enabled by default. A job must declare that it needs a cache.

const { events, Job } = require("brigadier")

events.on("exec", (e) => {
  var job = new Job("cacher", "alpine:3.4")
  job.cache.enabled = true

  job.tasks = [
    "echo " + e.buildID + " >> /mnt/brigade/cache/jobs.txt",
    "cat /mnt/brigade/cache/jobs.txt"


This script creates a new job and then enables the cache. Then it runs two different tasks. The first writes the build’s unique ID into a file in the cache, and the second one echos the contents of that generated file.

If we run the above a few times and then check the job’s output, we’ll see one ID for each time the job was run.

$ kubectl logs cacher-1504091963651-master

This happens because each time the job runs, the new build ID is written into the same file that the job used on other builds.

By default, job caches are limited to only 5 megabytes (5Mi). However, you can easily change this by setting job.cache.size to a larger value (50Mi, 5Gi).

There are two final observations to make about job caches:

  1. While a job cache is designed to persist across multiple runs, they are still considered to be volatile storage, which means a cache can reset. Do not use it as if it were stable long-term storage.
  2. Caches are not automatically destroyed by Brigade (though other systems may clean them). That means that if you add lots and lots of jobs with caches enabled, lots of storage space will be reserved even if it is unused.

Docker Runtime

Each job has the option to mount in a docker socket. When enabled, a docker socket is mounted to /var/run/docker.sock in the job’s container.

In order for the socket to be mounted, the Brigade project must have Allow host mounts set to true. This can be set via the Advanced Configuration Options during brig create. (See the projects doc for further info.)

This is a toggle-able option for all jobs, but is not enabled by default. A job must declare that it needs a docker socket.

const { events, Job } = require("brigadier")

events.on("exec", (e, p) => {
  var one = new Job("one", "docker:17.06.0-ce", ["docker images"])

  one.docker.enabled = true

This script creates a new job and then enables docker. It runs a docker command to demonstrate what containers are available in this engine.

Note: The Docker Runtime mounts in the host’s Docker socket. Kubernetes administrators may not want to give users direct access to the kubelet’s Docker daemon. If you’re one of these people, you can disable jobs from being able to mount this by disabling it in the project’s settings. If you’re using the default project settings, this feature is disabled.


For security reasons, it is recommended that you use Docker-in-Docker (DinD) instead of using the Docker socket directly.

DinD containers must run as privileged in order to function. Therefore, the Brigade project must have Allow privileged jobs set to true. This can be set via the Advanced Configuration Options during brig create. (See the projects doc for further info.)

Here is an example job definition that uses the official Docker image to do a Docker build:

var driver = project.secrets.DOCKER_DRIVER || "overlay"

// Build and push a Docker image.
const docker = new Job("dind", "docker:stable-dind")
docker.privileged = true;
docker.env = {
docker.tasks = [
  " &",
  "sleep 20",
  "cd /src",
  "docker pull brigadecore/kashti:canary || true",
  "docker build -t brigadecore/kashti:canary ."

This method is slower than using the Docker socket directly, but it is safer.

The Kashti brigade.js does a Docker build, and then (if configured) a push to the upstream Docker registry:

var driver = project.secrets.DOCKER_DRIVER || "overlay"

// Build and push a Docker image.
const docker = new Job("dind", "docker:stable-dind")
docker.privileged = true;
docker.env = {
docker.tasks = [
  " &",
  "sleep 20",
  "cd /src",
  "docker pull brigadecore/kashti:canary || true",
  "docker build -t brigadecore/kashti:canary ."

// If a Docker user is specified, we push.
if (project.secrets.DOCKER_USER) {
  docker.env.DOCKER_USER = project.secrets.DOCKER_USER
  docker.env.DOCKER_PASS = project.secrets.DOCKER_PASS
  docker.env.DOCKER_REGISTRY = project.secrets.DOCKER_REGISTRY
  docker.tasks.push("docker login -u $DOCKER_USER -p $DOCKER_PASS $DOCKER_REGISTRY")
  docker.tasks.push("docker push brigadecore/kashti:canary")
} else {
  console.log("skipping push. DOCKER_USER is not set.");

In the above, if the docker credentials are set for the project, a docker push is performed on the image just built.

Attaching volumes and volume mounts to jobs

Build storage and job cache represent a very simple and convenient way that Brigade exposes for attaching storage to your jobs. But if your job requires the mounting of an existing Kubernetes volume, the Brigade JavaScript API exposes two propeties on the Job class:

  • volumes: list of Kubernetes volumes to be attached to the pod specification. Supports all Kubernetes volume types supported by your cluster configuration. Volumes are referenced by name in the volumeMounts property. To reference a volume of type hostPath, the Brigade project must allow host mounts.
  • volumeMounts: list of Kubernetes volume mounts to be attached to all containers in the job pod specification, referenced by their names. Volumes referenced here must be defined in the volumes property.

Note: simple use cases for build storage or job caches should still use the existing Brigade properties for enabling the storage and cache. These properties should only be used in advanced scenarios that require mounting Kubernetes volumes.

This functionality was introduced with Brigade 1.2, and is in experimental state.


    var j = new Job("some-image");
    j.volumes = [
            name: "modules",
            hostPath: {
                path: "/lib/modules",
                type: "Directory"
            name: "cgroup",
            hostPath: {
                path: "/sys/fs/cgroup",
                type: "Directory"
            name: "docker-graph-storage",
            emptyDir: {}

    j.volumeMounts = [
            name: "modules",
            mountPath: "/lib/modules",
            readOnly: true
            name: "cgroup",
            mountPath: "/sys/fs/cgroup"
            name: "docker-graph-storage",
            mountPath: "/var/lib/docker"

Jobs and Return Values

We have seen already that when we run a job, it will return a JavaScript Promise. Each Promise also wraps a value. And the value is the output of the job. So it is possible to run a job, capture its output, and use that as input to the next job.

To illustrate this, let’s write a script that creates two jobs. The first job will simply echo a value. Then we will capture that value and send it to the second job. Then we will capture the output of the second job and write it directly out to to the console.

const { events, Job } = require("brigadier")

events.on("exec", (e, p) => {
  var one = new Job("one", "alpine:3.4")
  var two = new Job("two", "alpine:3.4")

  one.tasks = ["echo world"] result => {
    two.tasks = ["echo hello " + result.toString()] result2 => {


Our actual containers (one and two) are not doing much work here. They’re just echoing content to their standard output. But that information is captured by Brigade and sent back as a Result object.

  • Job one returns world.
  • Job two takes that, and appends it to echo hello, which returns hello world
  • So result2 will have a Result with hello world
Started brigade-worker-01bsy7k5h6n65gtt5sfrstte99-master
yarn start v0.27.5
$ node prestart.js
prestart: src/brigade.js written
$ node --no-deprecation ./dist/src/index.js
Creating PVC named brigade-worker-01bsy7k5h6n65gtt5sfrstte99-master
looking up default/github-com-brigadecore-empty-testbed-one
Creating secret one-1505326897996-master
Creating Job Cache PVC github-com-brigadecore-empty-testbed-one
Creating pod one-1505326897996-master
Timeout set at 900000
default/one-1505326897996-master phase Pending
default/one-1505326897996-master phase Pending
default/one-1505326897996-master phase Succeeded
looking up default/github-com-brigadecore-empty-testbed-two
Creating secret two-1505326904108-master
Creating pod two-1505326904108-master
Creating Job Cache PVC github-com-brigadecore-empty-testbed-two
Timeout set at 900000
default/two-1505326904108-master phase Pending
default/two-1505326904108-master phase Succeeded
hello world

beforeExit 0
after handler is cleaning up build storage for brigade-worker-01bsy7k5h6n65gtt5sfrstte99-master
exit called
Done in 11.20s.

It is a good idea to call toString() on the Result object, since there is otherwise no guarantee about the type of data returned.

With carefully constructed containers, you can get sophisticated and send structured data like JSON from one job to another. But remember that what is captured is the standard output (STDOUT) of the job, which is often where log data will also be sent. Sometimes it makes more sense to write structured files to the shared storage instead.

Advanced Event Handling

We have looked at ways of declaring simple event handlers, but it is possible to chain together events. One event handler can trigger another event:

const {events} = require("brigadier")

events.on("exec", function(e, project) {
  events.emit("next", e, project)

events.on("next", () => {
  console.log("fired 'next' event")


The example above uses events.emit to fire a new event. In that example, we re-use an existing event, which is not necessarily the best practice. A more reliable way of triggering an event is to create a new BrigadeEvent and fire that event:

const {events} = require("brigadier")

events.on("exec", function(e, project) {
  const e2 = {
    type: "next",
    provider: "exec-handler",
    buildID: e.buildID,
    workerID: e.workerID,
    cause: {event: e}
  }, project)

events.on("next", (e) => {
  console.log(`fired ${e.type} caused by ${e.cause.event.type}`)


In this example, e2 is a new event. Any new event must have the following fields:

  • type: The name of the event to fire
  • provider: A name to indicate what fired the event
  • buildID: The Build ID
  • workerID: The Worker ID

When chaining events, it is considered good practice to also include the original event as cause: {event: e}.

It is also possible to register more than one event handler for a single event. In such cases, all of the matching event handlers will be called.

const {events} = require("brigadier")

events.on("exec", () => {

events.on("exec", () => {


In this case, when the exec event is run, both handlers will execute in the order they are defined.

Finally, it is also possible to nest event handlers so that one handler is only registered when another event is called.

const {events} = require("brigadier")

events.on("exec", (e, project) => {
  // This is only registered when 'exec' is called.
  events.on("next", () => {
    console.log("fired 'next' event")
  events.emit("next", e, project)

events.on("exec2", (e, project) => {
  events.emit("next", e, project)


In the example above, the next event handler is only registered if the exec event is run. Triggering the event exec will also trigger the wrapped next handler. But triggering exec2 will NOT trigger the defined next handler.

Note that events.on("next"...) must be specified before events.emit("next"...) is called.

This particular feature can be useful when writing after and error handlers (neither of which need direct invocations with emit or fire).


This guide covers the basics of working with brigade.js files. If you are not sure how to get started with Brigade now, you might want to take a look at the tutorial. If you want more details about the Brigade JS API, you can look at the API documentation. For a more advanced scripting guide, check here.

Happy Scripting!