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Brigade Docs

Brigade: Event-driven scripting for Kubernetes.


How Brigade uses Kubernetes Persistent Storage

Brigade allows script authors to declare two kinds of storage:

  • per-job caches, which persist across builds
  • per-build shared storage, which exists as long as the build is running

Usage of these is described within the JavaScript docs and the scripting guide.

This document describes the underlying Kubernetes architecture of these two storage types.

Brigade and PersistentVolumeClaims

Brigade provisions storage using Kubernetes PVCs. Both caches and shared storage are PVC-backed.


For a Cache, the Brigade worker will check to see if a Job asks for a cache. If it does, the worker will create a PVC (if it doesn’t already exist) and then mount it to the cache.

A Job, in this case, gains its identity from its name, and the project that it belongs to. So two hooks in the same brigade.js can redeclare a job name and thus share the cache.

That PVC is never removed by Brigade. Each subsequent run of the same Job will then mount that same PVC.

Shared Storage

Shared storage provisioning is markedly different than caches.

  • The worker will always provision a shared storage PVC per build.
  • Each job may mount this shared storage by setting its storage.enabled flag to true.
  • At the end of a build, the storage will be destroyed.

In the current implementation, both the after and error hooks may attach to the shared storage volume.

Supporting Brigade Storage

Only certain volume plugins can support Brigade. Specifically, a volume driver must be readWriteMany in order for Brigade to use it. At the time of writing very few VolumePlugins support the readWriteMany access mode. Ensure that your volume plugin can support readWriteMany (table) or that you’re able to use NFS.

Only the following volume drivers are tested:

  • Minikube’s 9P implementation
  • Azure’s AzureFile storage
  • NFS

We believe Gluster will work, but it’s untested.


Using an NFS Server

As Brigade uses storage for caching and short-term file sharing, it is often convenient to use storage backends that are optimized for short-term ephemeral storage.

NFS (Network File System) is one protocol that works well for Brigade. You can use the NFS Server Provisioner chart to easily install an NFS server.

$ helm repo add stable
$ helm install --name nfs stable/nfs-server-provisioner

By default, the chart installs with persistance disabled. For various methods on enabling, as well as configuring other aspects of the installation, see the README.

This chart installs a StorageClass named nfs. There are two options to configure Brigade to use this storage class: at the server-level (for all Brigade projects) or at the project level. Note that project-level settings will override the server-level settings.

In either case, there are two storage class settings:

  • cacheStorageClass: This is used for the Job cache.
  • buildStorageClass: This is used for the shared per-build storage.

To set these at the Brigade server level, set the values below accordingly in the Brigade chart’s values.yaml file:


  defaultBuildStorageClass: nfs
  defaultCacheStorageClass: nfs


$ helm upgrade brigade brigade/brigade -f values.yaml

To set these at the Brigade project level, set the values below accordingly in the Brigade Project chart’s values.yaml file:


  buildStorageClass: nfs
  cacheStorageClass: nfs


$ helm upgrade my-project brigade/brigade-broject -f values.yaml

Note: The project-level settings can also be configured during the “Advanced” set up if creating via the brig CLI:

 $ brig project create

? Build storage class nfs
? Job cache storage class  [Use arrows to move, type to filter, ? for more help]
❯ nfs
  Leave undefined

If you would prefer to use the NFS provisioner as a cluster-wide default volume provider (and have Brigade automatically use it), you can do so by making it the default storage class:

$ helm install --name nfs stable/nfs-server-provisioner --set storageClass.defaultClass=true

Because Brigade pipelines can set up and tear down an NFS PVC very fast, the easiest way to check that the above works is to run a brig run and then check the log files for the NFS provisioner:

$ kubectl logs -f nfs-nfs-server-provisioner-0

I1220 20:22:36.699672       1 controller.go:926] provision "default/brigade-worker-01dwjfkm36xf5539dh41fw9qsd" class "nfs": started
I1220 20:22:36.714277       1 event.go:221] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"PersistentVolumeClaim", Namespace:"default", Name:"brigade-worker-01dwjfkm36xf5539dh41fw9qsd", UID:"7535d094-2366-11ea-a145-72982b3e8f81", APIVersion:"v1", ResourceVersion:"8941502", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'Provisioning' External provisioner is provisioning volume for claim "default/brigade-worker-01dwjfkm36xf5539dh41fw9qsd"
I1220 20:22:36.727753       1 provision.go:439] using service SERVICE_NAME=nfs-nfs-server-provisioner cluster IP as NFS server IP
I1220 20:22:36.739746       1 controller.go:1026] provision "default/brigade-worker-01dwjfkm36xf5539dh41fw9qsd" class "nfs": volume "pvc-7535d094-2366-11ea-a145-72982b3e8f81" provisioned
I1220 20:22:36.739785       1 controller.go:1040] provision "default/brigade-worker-01dwjfkm36xf5539dh41fw9qsd" class "nfs": trying to save persistentvolume "pvc-7535d094-2366-11ea-a145-72982b3e8f81"
I1220 20:22:36.749077       1 controller.go:1047] provision "default/brigade-worker-01dwjfkm36xf5539dh41fw9qsd" class "nfs": persistentvolume "pvc-7535d094-2366-11ea-a145-72982b3e8f81" saved
I1220 20:22:36.749113       1 controller.go:1088] provision "default/brigade-worker-01dwjfkm36xf5539dh41fw9qsd" class "nfs": succeeded
I1220 20:22:36.749196       1 event.go:221] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"PersistentVolumeClaim", Namespace:"default", Name:"brigade-worker-01dwjfkm36xf5539dh41fw9qsd", UID:"7535d094-2366-11ea-a145-72982b3e8f81", APIVersion:"v1", ResourceVersion:"8941502", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'ProvisioningSucceeded' Successfully provisioned volume pvc-7535d094-2366-11ea-a145-72982b3e8f81
I1220 20:22:43.083639       1 controller.go:1097] delete "pvc-7535d094-2366-11ea-a145-72982b3e8f81": started
I1220 20:22:43.089786       1 controller.go:1125] delete "pvc-7535d094-2366-11ea-a145-72982b3e8f81": volume deleted
I1220 20:22:43.116980       1 controller.go:1135] delete "pvc-7535d094-2366-11ea-a145-72982b3e8f81": persistentvolume deleted
I1220 20:22:43.117003       1 controller.go:1137] delete "pvc-7535d094-2366-11ea-a145-72982b3e8f81": succeeded

Implementation details of note:

Azure File Setup

If one has a Kubernetes cluster on Azure, and the default storageclass is of the non-readWriteMany-compatible variety, one can create an Azure File storageclass and then configure the Brigade project to use this instead of default.

See the official Azure File storageclass example for the yaml to use. (Hint: The parameters section can be omitted altogether and Azure will use the defaults associated with the existing Kubernetes cluster.)

Create the resource via kubectl create -f azure-file-storage-class.yaml.

Finally, be sure to set the buildStorageClass and/or cacheStorageCass values to azurefile as above in the nfs example.


  • At this point, cache PVCs are never destroyed, even if the project to which they belong is destroyed. This behavior may change in the future.
  • Killing the worker pod will orphan shared storage PVCs, as the cleanup routine is part of the worker’s shutdown process. If you manually destroy a worker pod, you must also manually destroy the associated PVCs.